I’m excited to share with you some of the things I’m most passionate about.
I hope for a future with interdisciplinary explorers, innovators, and terraformers.
One filled with empathetic leaders, starting with more physician-led solutions in healthcare.

Together, we can learn how to make tangible improvements to the accessibility, affordability, and quality of healthcare for every single person.

roles medical student, biomedical engineer and researcher, entrepreneur, legislative advocate, VC, design/innovation faculty, consultant

interests writing, science fiction literature, stargazing, videography, drawing

email skarki@iu.edu

other places you can find me:

About this blog

I started this site in high school to share tech news and (simple) analyses of various stocks through a value investing approach. It’s since evolved into an amalgam of a portfolio, educational resources, and project updates. Thank you for visiting!

Curating high-signal, low-noise info + optimistic original content, interdisciplinary perspectives, and more. Go to my LIBRARY tab to find the mailing list!


© 2024 by Sabin Karki